Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's a "marble-icious" kind of day :-)

I took a walk with my two younger children today. The sun was shining and even though we still have snow here in Newfoundland (and lots of snowbanks still!) the kids wanted to take their bicycles. They are as anxious for spring to come as I am.

We are able to see some MUD! I was excited to see that. Benjamin wondered why I would be excited about mud. This time of year just brings me back to my childhood. We'd be waiting for a spot of ground -- a small spot would do -- and we'd be out making a marble hole to play in. I remember sticking the heel of my boot in the softening earth and spinning around until I had a nice big hole made. Then we'd share out our marbles. Good times, for sure!

I don't see too many kids playing marbles anymore. Too many other things to occupy their time, I guess. We certainly had fun with it though!


Jean Marie said...

Ahhh... to be a child again down on your hands and knees in the dirt for a fun game!
I use to love to play Marbles when I was a child...really I was pretty good at it :)
TFS this memory with us Carla!