Check out what the rest of the DT made with this kit!
We also saw these beautiful pink flowers. I need to look up and find the name of them.
Anyway, this first pond wasn't yielding much trout so we walked through the woods and back to our van. Traveled about 15 minutes to another pond. Nothing there, so we went looking for another spot. This was about 9pm by now. The trout were starting to bite :-) We all caught at least one fish except for Timothy. He did have several fish on his line but wasn't able to hook them and reel them in. Jessica caught the biggest one.
Here is the one I caught :-)
We saw some wildlife -- a couple of bunnies, lots of birds and also a toad. Oh yeah, this little guy, too :-) Can you see it?
Benjamin let it walk around on his jacket for a while.
All in all, a GREAT evening. We'll go again one day next week. Hopefully, we'll find a good pond and catch LOTS! My grandmother is thankful for a feed of pan-sized trout.
We're heading out shorthy to Canada Day celebrations. We were worried everything would be rained out, but the weatherman said it was supposed to clear up. We had a big thunderstorm last night and hopefully that cleared away the rain.
Lots of fun and games here at our local stadium, then off to an inn for a family scavenger hunt. This evening is for music and singing, ending it all off with a huge fireworks display!