Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February Books

Picked these books up from the library, but the only one I finished was the first book.

Dear To Me - Wanda Brunstetter
This was okay, but not that exciting. I find Brunstetter really takes a long time to tell a story -- could be a much shorter book :-)

These I brought back as I went to a Christian book store and bought a couple of new books to read.
Secrets of the Heart - Al and Joanna Lacy
A Time to Love - Al and Joanna Lacy
The Flight of Swallows - Audrey Howard

Ok, at the bookstore I picked up:

Michal - Jill Eileen Smith
Finished this one today and starting on Abigail this evening. Set in Bible times and all about King David's first wife. GREAT book!!

- Jill Eileen Smith
About another of King David's wives.

Also picked up Song of Erin, by BJ Hoff. Sent this one to my mother for her birthday, so I'll have to wait 'til she's done with it before I get a chance to read :-)

Oh, must update on the books I got this week at the library. Went to a new library out of town (about 20 minutes from here) and they have lots of Christion fiction.

These will be on my list for February:

The Daughters of Jacob Kane - set of 2 books by Sharlene MacLarrn. Not sure if there's more in the series or not.
Hannah Grace
Maggie Rose

Watch Over Me -
Christa Parrish

Stones of My Accusers - Tracy Groot

The Adams County Trilogy - by Jerry S. Eicher. I only found two of the books, hopefully can get the third.
Rebecca's Promise
Rebecca's Return

That should be enough, don't you think?!!


Jacqueline said...

You've got some interesting sounding books there, Carla!

Jackie said...

Oh my, how do you find the time? Thanks for posting these, let us know what you think! Always looking for suggestions.

FishMama said...

Carla, thanks for your gentle reminder that commenting is important. I haven't been good about commenting. Thanks for linking up!

And great job reading! WOW!